Keeping Your Cells Energized!

ATP molecules store energy in their chemical bonds, similar to the way a battery stores energy when it is charged up. Molecules make up the cells of your body and atoms are the foundation of your molecules. Whether you are moving, thinking, speaking, relaxing, loving-literally everything you do depends on a full charge of your ATP molecules. And when we slow down with aging, it’s now clear that we are simply running low on ATP. We make ATP in our mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells, where we burn fuel for energy, but that process grows increasingly inefficient with age. While fatigue has many causes, both biological and psychosocial, insufficient ATP is a key factor in aging: either we don’t make it as efficiently as we did in our youth, or we use more of it to do simple tasks that we could previously do with less effort. Adding two herbs to your life will fuel your body and work in combination to restore your natural energy levels.

These herbs are cordyceps extract and fermented ginseng.

Both boost your body’s level of Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP. Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris are the most popular species that have been studied. Ginseng, “meaning root of heaven”, is an herb that is grown in both the Americas and Asia. To ferment Ginseng, add brewers yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Start by simmering your Ginseng in water for 30 minutes. Let it cool then add yeast and bacteria. Wait for a few weeks then consume the combo. You will feel the health return to your body after taking both of these natural herbs. Enjoy!

Cancer Prevention Research Report

The July 2015 Cancer Prevention Research report of a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of overweight postmenopausal women, which uncovered a reduction of inflammation in response to weight loss and supplementation with Vitamin D.


The participants in the study, whose serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were lower than 32 ng/ml, upon enrollment, were assigned to a five-day-per-week exercise program combined with low caloric diet supplemented with 2000 iu vitamin D per day or a placebo for one year. Blood samples collected at the beginning and end of the study were assessed for markers of inflammation and other factors. Those who lost 5-10% of their weight, the decline in the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 was significantly greater among those who received vitamin D compared to those who received a placebo. This is a great opportunity to utilize a unique natural weight loss product called “ThinFinity”, and melt the pounds away internally by utilizing the visceral fat that has been stored in the linings of your internal organs and naturally feast on internally built in 2000-4000 calories/day, without even lifting weights!


Despite billions of dollars spent every year on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs like Lipitor and Crestor, cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading killer worldwide. Clearly, just lowering cholesterol is not the entire solution, otherwise, the epidemic of heart disease would be over. During the Pandemic of 2020-2022 and the rampant effect that COVID-19 caused on a majority of the infected, who also were obese with cardiovascular disease, we now know how vital finding the solution to reducing the effects of cardiovascular disease on overall wellness, longevity, and optimal quality of life.


Overlooked by mainstream medical practice is the essential role that endothelium plays in protecting cardiovascular health. The endothelium is the one-cell-thick layer that lines all your blood vessels, down to the smallest capillaries.


Pomegranate extracts are proving to be an effective means of protecting our delicate endothelium. Studies show that pomegranate works on numerous levels to ensure cardiac health by reducing cellular cholesterol accumulation, protecting the LDL from oxidation, and in lab studies, shrinking atherosclerotic plaque. In addition, pomegranate promotes supple arteries that maintain healthy blood flow and pressure to all you tissue and organs. Best of all, research concludes that by improving endothelial health, pomegranate supplementation lowers risk factors for heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events.

Hypoxia and the Viral Connection

During the origin of the pandemic of 2019-2021, the world was at a standstill. The virus that developed, was one that affected cellular immunity and invaded immune-compromised cells. Attacking the respiratory system and deteriorating the cardio, pulmonary and circulatory function. As a result of the infected cells, and decreased oxygen intake, the body was overly stressed, while being attacked by its own defense system, as the virus outmaneuvered the bodies T cells exhausting them, and therefore weakening the immune system even more. Resistive individuals’ response to the virus, was capable of denying the replication and allowing the macrophages, mast cells, neurons, glial, and epithelial cells, to eliminate the deteriorated cells, without causing further tissue damage.

This entailed an optimal functioning nervous system, which is your master control system, and subsequently your other 8 body functions, cardio, muscular, digestive, endocrine, immune, skeletal, respiratory, and urinary. During the pandemic, the system that was weakest during the virus invasion was the first to malfunction and further deterioration the body. The activation of the immune response is termed the “Cytokine Storm”, or cytokine-associated toxicity, and response to infection aggressively, which was a type of Viral re-programming of the body’s entire defense system. Similar to “friendly fire” in war, there are mass casualties of cells, that are sick as well as healthy. The Cytokine reaction in immunology is a vast network of WBC and other T lymphocytes that aid in the immune system’s response to foreign invasion. During this time the body’s own defense mechanism attacked not only sick cells but also healthy ones, as mentioned previously. During the Cytokine storm, the body’s own system was unable to shut down the destruction of cells. This left the system unable to repair the damaged tissue quickly enough and left the body vulnerable to further replication and invasion. I believe this reaction was the catalyst for pulmonary deterioration and was the reason for the overutilization of ventilators worldwide. As it is known that ventilators caused more damage in weakened systems, especially in geriatric patients, as evidenced by the mass loss of life in nursing homes and hospitals. In my research, Hypoxia was also a contributing factor to the weakened breathing mechanism as well. The decrease in oxygen within the system also leads to weakened cells and dehydration. As the body needs fuels to function, oxygen, and glucose (sugar) or glycogen, in order to produce ATP by way of the cell’s power generator or mitochondrial activity. Without oxygen, there is no utilization of water and sugar by the cells.

This causes an overworked nervous system and a weakened immune system. As the Cytokine reaction was instigated, the question is why were individuals that were infected, unable to turn off this mechanism. Science has proven that not all cells react the same to specific immune responses. Could it be a faulty message system within an individual? Was this the reason that so many patients were inflicted with the inability to protect themselves from their own defense system? What controls macrophages, mast cells, T lymphocytes, and glial cell production? The answer lies within the previously mentioned immune system and the direct link to the nervous system. Can a neurological disconnect or faulty message lead to the body’s reaction to viral or bacterial invasion as well? Low O2, disrupted neurological message, and an overreactive immune system? As we break down the function of the nervous system and its intricate network of communication within the body, the 9 other systems all depend on the input from the master control or executive center of the brain.

As messages are computed in the cerebral cortex to different areas of the body, through the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, this vast network of nerves sends and retrieves data from the internal and external environment. The reaction the brain undertakes is from the feedback it receives from the senses. It is the failure of the reproductive process of the regeneration of cells that leads to the deterioration of the body or body part. This was the reason why so many patients inflicted with viral attacks were unable to respond adequately and therefore perished. As we look further into how the body reacts to specific diseases, we must identify if the human nervous system is capable of 100% function. If there is evidence of neurological deficit, especially at both the junction of the neuron-to-neuron communication by way of neurotransmitters as well as spinal nerve function, which is the gateway for neurological connection, there will be a slow or distorted reaction time to the body’s immune response. I believe it was this scenario, that played a major role in why so many suffered from the virus and this will continue until action steps are induced. Check for brain function, especially at the cerebellar level, which controls motor function, also examine for subluxation at the spine from the occiput to the sacrum, check tissue oxygen levels, body acidity ( metabolically high acidity causes coagulation of RBC, which decreases transportable oxygen to tissue, which also thickens blood), test for dehydration, cholesterol, as well as blood pressure.

Hypoxia and what is it?

Hypoxia is a medical term used to describe where bodily tissues are not receiving enough oxygen, in other words, hypoxia literally means low oxygen levels in your body. There are many different health issues that can cause or contribute to hypoxia. They are basic decreased breathable oxygen such as hiking at high altitude, decreased ability for blood to carry oxygen such in anemia, thalassemia, severe blood loss, blocked arteries or capillaries, and reduced ability of cells to utilize oxygen and absorb, as in lung disease or carbon monoxide poisoning and abnormal mitochondria function. When a person ages, reduction of lung capacity, hardening, and blockage of their arteries and small vessels may compromise the ability to fully oxygenate the body tissues. Environmental pollution, smoking, and suboptimal breathing patterns can also contribute to poor oxygen within the cell. The latter result is hypoxia can be isolated to an organ or area with poor blood supply or abnormal cell behavior that has difficulty using oxygen. Generalized hypoxia can be detected using an oxygen measurement device.

Hypoxia inside organs can only be measured invasively and dangerous. So what is the best thing to do to help increase oxygen to the body? One way is to do deep diaphragmatic breathing, which is essential to enhance oxygen intake! Proper breathing technique is taught by Dr. John Florendo in: “Facets of Breathing”, in the videos section on the site. Another way would be to order an oxygen concentrator and utilize forced oxygen into the system using a cannula in the nostrils and practice the deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises at the same time. Another way would be to perform aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. These are three great ways of intaking oxygen in the quickest amount of time. Happy Breathing!

Can your diet be the cause of chronic inflammation?

Can your diet be the cause of chronic inflammation? If you research and study the findings for chronic diseases, you will realize that the cause for a majority of these diseases is chronic inflammation. What could be the cause for people being chronically inflamed? Let’s look at the possible cause being poor diet and inefficient digestion. Did you know that most of our foods grown on farms today, are grown in soil that has been stripped of a majority of its minerals? We as consumers are buying our foods that have been grown in less nutritious soil compared to produce grown in the 40s and 50s! Carbon dioxide air pollution is also a contributing factor. We are producing immune-compromised products, that are attacked by bugs and parasites, which is why they use of pesticides, as well as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), are used rampantly, in order to survive the harvest, and get to market!

This drastically also affects the number of natural enzymes in our fruits and vegetables. The enzymes are what aid the body in the digestive process. So now we have to supplement the number of servings of vegetables and fruits we intake. The eating experts now say we need to increase our servings from 9 to 13, to get the necessary nutritional values. This is also what leads to poor digestion and malabsorption in the body and will develop a process called digestive leukocytosis, which is the production of excess white blood cells. These white blood cells are produced in response to the foreign, chemically induced, pharmaceutical added food products that we are all in taking. This overproduction of WBC’s, is the major reason for the inflammation within the gut. This causes additional stress in our bodies and is one of the major causes of most chronic diseases, especially in the brain. What are the solutions?

  1. Minimize or eliminate process and GMO foods. Fresh is best, frozen second best. Avoid canned foods.
  2. Eat a balanced, whole-food diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and meals.
  3. Make sure you chew your food thoroughly. Digestion begins in your mouth- food should go down like applesauce.
  4. Take digestive food enzymes to support normal digestion and normal inflammatory response.
  5. Get your spine checked for subluxations or nerve irritations, because your digestive system is innervated by nerves from the spine.

Sleep and Alzheimer’s

Poor quality of sleep can increase the levels of key proteins- “amyloid-beta and tau”- associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. The latest study indicates the importance of deep sleep and how it helps reduce the buildup of these proteins in the brain. Researchers have indicated that just one bad night’s sleep can raise amyloid-beta and tau protein levels by 10%!. Over time that increases the risk of plaque within the brain tissue, the first step of Alzheimer’s. To sleep deeper, avoid caffeine later in the day, limit screen time at night, and cut back on booze. Also, studies have found that nothing as powerful as happiness in our lives that will enhance a better quality of sleep! You will also be more inspired to exercise, eat healthier and be well! Always affirm, ” I feel happy, I feel healthy and I feel terrific!”. Buddha once said, ” Happy people focus on what they have. Unhappy people focus on what’s missing.

Blood Pressure isn’t only about sodium

Blood Pressure isn’t only about sodium”- In a Chinese study, people who ate fresh fruit had lower systolic blood pressure ( top number )than those who rarely did. Potassium may be the key to why. This mineral, an essential one needed by all tissue in the human body, helps recruit molecules that return sodium to your blood, so you flush out more sodium as a result. This usually leads to lower blood pressure, says Dr. Alicia McDonough, Ph.D., USC Science.

Top potassium sources include avocado, squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, salmon, and bananas. Get your blood pressure checked before meals and a few hours after to monitor the effects that certain foods have on your heart and blood pressure. Listen to your body, and get quarterly to annual health checkups. Prevention is the best cure. It will save your life!

Light Therapy and Chiropractic

As part of the Functional Neurology protocol, eye lights are a valuable adjunctive therapy to chiropractic neurology procedures. Light stimulation directly to the brain via the eye seems to be more effective than light placed on the body. Light allows the reconnection of various energy systems in symptomatic areas to make a fresh start in the healing process.

Light therapy can reveal certain muscle and neurological disorders that may not be detected during standard examination and treatment protocols. While chiropractic procedures are used to correct subluxations and remove skeletal and muscular distortions, many times, disturbances in the energy fields and systems of the body may not be reached directly. Light can help restore the connection of the energy systems, as well as help maintain the chiropractic adjustment. Dysfunction begins at the energy level, which later manifests at the cellular level and then to an inflammatory state at the tissue level and finally to the physiological disturbances we see in disease patterns. Get your nervous system checked to see if you may need light therapy to help stimulate healing and prevent future disturbances.

Intervertebral Disc of spine

The Intervertebral Disc Consists of Vital Minerals-The disc needs glycosaminoglycan (GAG), which consists of polymeric sugar chains, which bear sulfate esters on the four or six hydroxy groups of the hexosamine rings that constitute the GAG chains. The most noticeable change with aging within the disc is the dehydration of the nucleus pulposis or center of the disc, and loss of sulfate GAG accompanied by a large increase in non-collagenous proteins.

Four types of GAG exist:

  1. Chondroitin 6 sulfate.
  2.  Chondroitin 4 sulfate.
  3.  Keratin sulfate.
  4.  Hyaluronic acid.

Loss of GAGs is responsible for dehydration within the disc in aging. GAG is highly sulfated and are derived from Chondroitin-rich proteoglycans and Keratin sulfate becomes a major GAG in old disc tissue. Clinical symptoms, such as pain, radiating numbness or tingling into the lower extremities, as well as nerve root irritation, can arise initially due to degenerative changes within the disc. So take your supplements with Glucosamine Sulphate, Chondroitin Sulphate, and any other joint replenisher and fight off degeneration! Talk to your doctor about the best combination of products for your joints!

Low Volt Electrical Stimulation Is Beneficial- Spine 12

This study indicated that, with low-frequency electrical stimulation, isokinetic strength and endurance may be significantly increased. Electrical stimulation, a passive modality of muscle strengthening, may be better tolerated than exercise for a patient with acute or subacute low back pain. Electrical stimulation also has the advantage of providing an anesthetic effect from the stimulation, which may also decrease pain while treatment is being given. To obtain optimal clinical results, we must recognize that selective training with electrical stimulation and or exercises, or a combination of both, should be used. Then followed up with specific chiropractic care for joint mobility and stabilization. Together these modalities are a valuable treatment combination.

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